“Still ... in this world only winter is certain.”
― George R.R. Martin
Winter is Coming! Game of Thrones is over for the season, the warm weather is here and now its time to start day dreams about piles of snow, skiing, sledding, and the long night. What better way to get excited about snow than getting an update from the National Weather Forcast forcasters.
El Niño continues to pick up steam. Forecasters are now very confident that the event will continue through the fall (over 90% chance) and into the winter (~85% chance). This month’s update provides a first guess of the potential strength of El Niño. It’s harder to predict the strength of the event than it is to predict its duration, so we are less confident about that, but forecasters currently favor a “strong” event for the fall/early winter.
So what that means for us is get your skiis tuned, your skates sharpened, and your ice fishing gear ready because it looks like we may get dumped on with the white stuff early and often to lead into winter 2015. Count me in as one of the crazies that LOVES this news! Summer is great and seeing the mountain below look like this is ok:
But seeing it covered in the soft white stuff is way better!